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AfterExtSetVariant ​

This event is triggered after a variant has been activated via the modeling component. Via the modeling component means that together with the variant activation a related layout algorithm may have been executed.

Parameters ​

modelid (idValue, optional) -ue, ID of the changed model.
newvariantstrValue, name of the new variant.
oldvariantstrValue, name of the old variant.
layalgnamestrValue, language independent name of the executed layout algorithm.
layalguinamestrValue, language independent name of the executed layout algorithm.

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

If the variant has been activated without automatically execute a layout algorithm (e.g. because the variant does already contain some object positions), the variables layalgname and layalguiname are set to empty strings.

See Also ​

Example ​


ON_EVENT "AfterExtSetVariant" {
    SET s:("Variant " + mstr(newvariant) + " has been activated.\n"
         + "Model ID: " + STR modelid + "\n"
         + "Old variant: " + mstr(oldvariant) + "\n"
         + "Layout algorithm: " + mstr(layalguiname))
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX (s)