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Syntax ​

CC "Core" GET_APPMODEL_INFO appmodel:idValue .

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue 

Parameters ​

  • appmodelid (intValue) - the ID of the application model

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.
  • appmodelname (strValue) - the name of the application model
  • bpmodelids (strValue) - a space-separated list of the Dynamic models of which the ApplicationModel consists
  • wemodelid (intValue) - the ID of the ApplicationModel's Static model (must be exactly one!).
  • onthreads (boolValue) - is 1 if the ApplicationModel is defined on threads else it is 0. onthreads can be only 1 if versioning is enabled!
  • onversions (boolValue) - is 1 if the ApplicationModel is defined on versions else it is 0. onversions is always 1 in non-versioned libraries!

Details ​

See Also ​

Examples ​

# Assume there is an ApplicationModel "Test"
SET appmod_name:"Test"

# retrieve the ID of the appmodel
CC "Core" GET_APPMODEL_ID appmodelname:(appmod_name)
IF (ecode != 0)
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX ("An ApplicationModel with the name \"" + appmod_name + "\" does not exist!") ok
  SET id:(appmodelid)

  # Take the IDs returned from GET_APPMODEL_ID
  CC "Core" GET_APPMODEL_INFO appmodelid:(idValue)

  # build the result string
  SET msg:("Information for the ApplicationModel \"" + appmod_name + "\"\n\n")
  SET msg:(msg + "ID: " + STR id + "\n")
  SET msg:(msg + "Name: " + appmodelname + "\n")

  # is the AppModel defined on threads? - only possible if versioning is enabled!
  IF (onthreads = 1)
    SET msg:(msg + "Is defined on threads\n")
    SET msg:(msg + "Is NOT defined on threads\n")

  # is the AppModel defined on versions? - default in non versioned libraries!
  IF (onversions = 1)
    SET msg:(msg + "Is defined on versions\n")
    SET msg:(msg + "Is NOT defined on versions\n")

  # add BP model names:
  SET msg:(msg + "BP models:\n")
  FOR bpm in:(bpmodelids)
    CC "Core" GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(VAL bpm)
    SET msg:(msg + "\t" + modelname + " " + ver + "\n")

  # add WE model
  SET msg:(msg + "WE model:\n")
  CC "Core" GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(wemodelid)  # wemodelid was return from GET_APPMODEL_INFO
  SET msg:(msg + "\t" + modelname + " " + ver + "\n")

  # show the resulting information
  CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX (msg)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3