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UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL inserts a model into the core's internal structures. It does the same as UPDATE_MODEL_LIST, but just for one model instead of for all models.

Syntax ​

CC "Core" UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL model:idValue

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue
CC "Core" UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL model:idValue

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue

Parameters ​

  • modelid (idValue) -the ID of the model to be updated.

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.

Details ​

This command is useful for cache implementations, e.g. of a webservice application. If the cache detects that a new model existst, e.g. after having called
that model cannot be accessed while the core's internal structures are not up-to-date, Updating with UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL is much faster than UPDATE_MODEL_LIST.

See Also ​


Examples ​

SET result:""
FOR pair in:(dates) sep:"\n" {
    SET modelid:(VAL token(pair, 0, "\t"))
    CC "Core" GET_MODEL_MODELTYPE modelid:(modelid)
    IF (ecode) {
        CC "Core" UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL modelid:(modelid)
        CC "Core" debug GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(modelid)
        SET result:(result + "New model: " + modelname + "\n")
    } ELSE {
        CC "Core" GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(modelid)
        SET result:(result + "Old model: " + modelname + "\n")
CC "AdoScript" VIEWBOX text:(result)
SET result:""
FOR pair in:(dates) sep:"\n" {
    SET modelid:(VAL token(pair, 0, "\t"))
    CC "Core" GET_MODEL_MODELTYPE modelid:(modelid)
    IF (ecode) {
        CC "Core" UPDATE_SINGLE_MODEL modelid:(modelid)
        CC "Core" debug GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(modelid)
        SET result:(result + "New model: " + modelname + "\n")
    } ELSE {
        CC "Core" GET_MODEL_INFO modelid:(modelid)
        SET result:(result + "Old model: " + modelname + "\n")
CC "AdoScript" VIEWBOX text:(result)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3