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GET_REFERENCED_ATTRPROF_VERSION_ID determines the ID of a referenced Attribute Profile in the given attribute of the given object.

Syntax ​

      objid:idValue attrid:idValue

#-->RESULT ecode:intValue apversionid:idValue apthreadname:strValue
      objid:idValue attrid:idValue

#-->RESULT ecode:intValue apversionid:idValue apthreadname:strValue

Parameters ​

  • modelid (idValue) - the parameter modelid must specifiy the ID of the source model.
  • objid (idValue) - the parameter objid must specify the ID of the object model.
  • attrid (idValue) - the parameter attrid must specify the ID of the source attribute which must be of type CORE_ATTRPROFREF.

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - the return variable ecode is set to 0 if the command succeeded.
  • apversionid (idValue) - the return variable apversionid contains the ID of the referenced AP version. If no AP is referenced the value is -1.
  • apthreadname (strValue) - the return variable apthreadname contains the name of the referenced AP thread. If no AP is referenced, the value contains an empty string.

Details ​

If ecode is INVALID_ATTRPROF_VERSION you are referencing a non existing AP. If ecode is ATTRIBUTE_NOT_EXISTING you tried to call this command with an invalid model/instance/attribute ID! Any other error code means that the reference string is invalid!

See Also ​

Examples ​

SEND "GET_ACTIVE_MODEL" to:"Modeling" answer:modelid
IF (modelid = "")
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "Open a model first"

CC "Core" GET_CLASS_ID classname:"Klasse mit allen Attributtypen"
IF (ecode != 0)
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "Your library does not contain a class called Aktivität!\n"

CC "Core" GET_OBJ_ID modelid:(VAL modelid) classid:(classid) objname:"Sepp"
IF (ecode != 0)
   CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Your model does not contain an 'Klasse mit allen Attributtypen' 'Sepp'!\n"+
                           "Please model one and then rerun the script.")

CC "Core" GET_ATTR_ID classid:(classid) attrname:"Attributprofilreferenz für Test"
IF (ecode != 0)
  CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX "no such attr 'Attributprofilreferenz für Test'"

CC "Core" debug GET_REFERENCED_ATTRPROF_VERSION_ID modelid:(VAL modelid) objid:(objid) attrid:(attrid)
SEND "GET_ACTIVE_MODEL" to:"Modeling" answer:modelid
IF (modelid = "")
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "Open a model first"

CC "Core" GET_CLASS_ID classname:"Klasse mit allen Attributtypen"
IF (ecode != 0)
  CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX "Your library does not contain a class called Aktivität!\n"

CC "Core" GET_OBJ_ID modelid:(VAL modelid) classid:(classid) objname:"Sepp"
IF (ecode != 0)
   CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Your model does not contain an 'Klasse mit allen Attributtypen' 'Sepp'!\n"+
                           "Please model one and then rerun the script.")

CC "Core" GET_ATTR_ID classid:(classid) attrname:"Attributprofilreferenz für Test"
IF (ecode != 0)
  CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX "no such attr 'Attributprofilreferenz für Test'"

CC "Core" debug GET_REFERENCED_ATTRPROF_VERSION_ID modelid:(VAL modelid) objid:(objid) attrid:(attrid)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3