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XML_ADD_CALLBACK registers a callback procedure for the XML parser.

Syntax ​

CC "Documentation" XML_ADD_CALLBACK	strValue name:strValue [ type:strValue ]

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue .

Parameters ​

  • <main-parameter> (strValue) - name of the procedure that should be called when parsing the element. The procedure has to be defined with XML_SET_SCRIPT first.
  • name (strValue) - the name of the xml element for which the procedure should be called. Only one procedure per element can be registered. One procedure may be invoked an an element "**": this procedure will be invoked on all elements for that no other callback handler has been installed.
  • type (strValue, optional) - set either to elementstart (default) or to elementend. Defines if the procedure should be called when the start-element is parsed (e.g. <MODEL>) or when the end-element is parsed (</MODEL>). Using type, for one element, two procedures may be registered: one for the elementstart and one for the elementend.

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - contains the error code or is 0 in case of success; Some error codes: 3 - XML_NOPARSER - a file has to be opened first; 5 - XML_INVALIDCALLBACKTYPE - the argument "type" has not been set to a valid value; 8 - XML_MISSINGATTRIBUTE - either the elementname or the procedure has not been specified; 9 - XML_MISSINGPROCEDURE - the specified procedure is not defined in the AdoScript set with XML_SET_SCRIPT; 10 - XML_PROCEDUREALREADYDEFINED - for the specified element, a procedure has already been defined.

Details ​

See Also ​

Examples ​

CC "Documentation" XML_SET_SCRIPT raw {
    PROCEDURE CREATEMODEL name:string id:int {
        CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX
                ("Invoked the procedure on node " + name
                 + " with id " + id)

        # invoked on all nodes but the "MODEL" nodes

CC "Documentation" XML_ADD_CALLBACK "CREATEMODEL" name:"MODEL" type:"elementstart"
CC "Documentation" XML_ADD_CALLBACK "DEFAULT" name:"**" type:"elementstart"

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3