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EndADLImport ​

This event is triggered after the ADL import has finished.

Parameters ​

successfulintValue, 1 if the import succeeded and 0 if not

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

See Also ​


Example ​

	ON_EVENT "EndADLImport" {
	SET int_Success: (successful) 
	IF (int_Success = 1) {
	CC "AdoSript" INFOBOX "You have imported the ADL successfully"
	ELSEIF (int_Success = 0) {
	CC "AdoSript" INFOBOX "Try again!"
	ON_EVENT "EndADLImport" {
	SET int_Success: (successful) 
	IF (int_Success = 1) {
	CC "AdoSript" INFOBOX "You have imported the ADL successfully"
	ELSEIF (int_Success = 0) {
	CC "AdoSript" INFOBOX "Try again!"