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CREATE_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM dynamically creates a new layout algorithm instance.

Syntax ​

CC "Drawing" CREATE_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM WithoutSwimlanes | WithSwimlanes

WithoutSwimlanes :	"Without swimlanes" [ name:strValue ]
										{ name_<langcode>:strValue }
										[ orientation:enumValue ]
										[ raster-width:measureValue ]
										[ raster-height:measureValue ]

WithSwimlanes :		"With swimlanes"	[ name:strValue ]
										{ name_<langcode>:strValue }
										[ raster-width:measureValue ]
										[ raster-height:measureValue ] 

# --> RESULT ecode:intValue

Parameters ​

  • <main-parameter> (enumValue) - can either be "Without swimlanes" or "With swimlanes"
  • name (strValue, optional) - the name of the layout algorithm
  • name_<langcode> (strValue, optional) - the name of the layout algorithm in the language specified by the langcode
  • orientation (enumValue, optional) - can either be horizontal or vertical
  • raster-width (measureValue, optional) - cm or pt
  • raster-height(measureValue, optional) - cm or pt
  • swimlane-creation-attr (strValue) -
  • swimlane-classname (strValue) -
  • horizontal(modifier, optional) -
  • vertical(modifier, optional) -

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.

Details ​

With this command layout algorithm instances as described in document.
Library attribute "Default settings -- layout algorithms can be created dynamically via AdoScript instead of statically via library attribute. The parameters have the same meaning as described in the linked document for static layout algorithm instances.

Dynamic layout algorithm instances are not accessible via UI and should be deleted (CC "Drawing" DELETE_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM) after application.

See Also ​

Examples ​

CC "Drawing" CREATE_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM "Without swimlanes"
        name:"temp"	orientation:horizontal
        raster-width:6cm raster-height:4cm
CC "Drawing" EXEC_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM name:"temp" modelid:(modelid)
CC "Drawing" DELETE_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM name:"temp"

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3