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DESELECT resets the selection of one object.

Syntax ​

CC "Modeling" DESELECT objid:idValue .

# --> RESULT ecode:intValue .
CC "Modeling" DESELECT objid:idValue .

# --> RESULT ecode:intValue .

Parameters ​

  • objid (idValue) -

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.

Details ​

The ID of the object is passed with objid.
A nonzero ecode value means that the object could not be found.


Activity "aktiv6" is selected, "aktiv5" is not.

Hint: does not work for tabular modeling.

See Also ​

Examples ​

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3