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RenameInstance ​

This event is triggered when an "instance" (see below) has been renamed.

Parameters ​

instidintValue, the ID of the renamed instance.
oldnamestrValue, the old instance name.
newnamestrValue, the new instance name.

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

Instances are modeling objects, record rows, attribute profiles.

See Also ​

Example ​

The following example informs the user about the renaming of an instance.

	ON_EVENT "RenameInstance" {

	SETG id_InstId: (instid)
	SETG str_OldName: (oldname)
	SETG str_NewName: (newname)
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("InstanceId:  " + STR(id_InstId)) title: "You are renaming the model..."
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("OldName:  " + (str_OldName))  title: "from"
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("NewName:  " + (str_NewName))  title: "to"
	ON_EVENT "RenameInstance" {

	SETG id_InstId: (instid)
	SETG str_OldName: (oldname)
	SETG str_NewName: (newname)
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("InstanceId:  " + STR(id_InstId)) title: "You are renaming the model..."
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("OldName:  " + (str_OldName))  title: "from"
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("NewName:  " + (str_NewName))  title: "to"