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This command is used to finally show the TreeListBox.

Syntax ​

CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW

# --> RESULT ecode:intValue selectedids:idlist [ endbutton:strValue ]
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW

# --> RESULT ecode:intValue selectedids:idlist [ endbutton:strValue ]

Parameters ​


Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - as follows 0 = no error occured, 1 = user canceled dialog, 2 = you have to call TLB_CREATE before calling this function, 3 = an argument is missing, 4 = you passed an invalid ID
  • selectedids (intValue) - list, contains a space separated list of all entries the user selected.
  • endbutton (strValue) - contains the name of the pressed button (Default buttons have the names "ok" and "help").

Details ​

The variable endbutton is only returned if the dialog was not cancelled! If users press the "X" on the upper right side of the dialog, or if they pressed Escape, ecode is set to 1 and endbutton is empty.

You have to insert (using TLB_INSERT) all entries before calling this command!

See Also ​


Examples ​

# create the main TreeListBox with all its parameters
CC "AdoScript" TLB_CREATE title:"My title" oktext:"Close" canceltext:"No way!"
        boxtext:"These are my entries" no-help:1 button-w:60
        max-w:500 max-h:367 min-w:200 min-h:150 checklistbox:1

# insert some entries (as you like - ID should be unique)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:1 text:"Do this"
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:2 text:"Do that"

# select the first entry (here: check it)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SELECT id:1 select:1

# and finally show it
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW
IF (ecode = 0) {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Selected ids: " + selectedids + "\n" +
                            "You pushed the following button: " + endbutton)
} ELSE {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("You cancelled the dialog!")
# create the main TreeListBox with all its parameters
CC "AdoScript" TLB_CREATE title:"My title" oktext:"Close" canceltext:"No way!"
        boxtext:"These are my entries" no-help:1 button-w:60
        max-w:500 max-h:367 min-w:200 min-h:150 checklistbox:1

# insert some entries (as you like - ID should be unique)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:1 text:"Do this"
CC "AdoScript" TLB_INSERT id:2 text:"Do that"

# select the first entry (here: check it)
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SELECT id:1 select:1

# and finally show it
CC "AdoScript" TLB_SHOW
IF (ecode = 0) {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("Selected ids: " + selectedids + "\n" +
                            "You pushed the following button: " + endbutton)
} ELSE {
    CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("You cancelled the dialog!")

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3