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XML_HOLD_NODE keeps the node in memory until it is explicitly released.

Syntax ​

CC "Documentation" XML_HOLD_NODE idValue node:idValue

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue
CC "Documentation" XML_HOLD_NODE idValue node:idValue

#--> RESULT ecode:intValue

Parameters ​

  • <main-parameter> (idValue) - a positive integer value identifying the held nodes. Multiple nodes can be held under one holdID. The ID is used when nodes should be released again. XML_HOLD_NODE can only be called once per XML node.
  • node (idValue) - ID of a parent node of the current node that should be held.

Returns ​

  • ecode (intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success; 3 - XML_NOPARSER - a file has to be opened first; 15 - XML_NODENOTEXISTING - the node with the specified id is not existing are already discarded from memory; 17 - XML_NODEALREADYHELD - XML_HOLD_NODE has already been called for the specified node.

Details ​

Called within a callback procedure.

Usually only parent nodes can be queried in callback-procedures because only the parent nodes up to the rootnode are kept in memory. Call this method to hold the node in memory until you release it again with XML_RELEASE.

See Also ​

Examples ​

# parse the xml string: <MAIN><BROTHER name="Sepp"/><SISTER/><SUB/></MAIN>

# called for the BROTHER element
    CC "Documentation" XML_HOLD 2

# called for the SISTER element
    CC "Documentation" XML_FIND holdid:2 attribute="name=Sepp"
    # returns the id for the BROTHER node. Without a call to XML_HOLD_NODE in the
    # brother node, the BROTHER node would already be discarded from memory
    # again as only direct parent nodes of the currently parsed node are held
    # in memory on default.
# parse the xml string: <MAIN><BROTHER name="Sepp"/><SISTER/><SUB/></MAIN>

# called for the BROTHER element
    CC "Documentation" XML_HOLD 2

# called for the SISTER element
    CC "Documentation" XML_FIND holdid:2 attribute="name=Sepp"
    # returns the id for the BROTHER node. Without a call to XML_HOLD_NODE in the
    # brother node, the BROTHER node would already be discarded from memory
    # again as only direct parent nodes of the currently parsed node are held
    # in memory on default.

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3