GET_DANGLING_INTERREFS_OF_AP retrieves all broken outgoing references of the AttrProf version specified by apversionid.
Syntax ​
CC "Core" GET_DANGLING_INTERREFS_OF_AP apversionid:intValue .
#-->RESULT ecode:intValue reftext:strValue
Parameters ​
(intValue) -
Returns ​
(intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.reftext
(strValue) -
Details ​
The return variable reftext contains a string which contains 0 to n lines of the following code:
REF srcmodelid - intValue
srcdobjid - intValue
srcattrid - intValue
srcobjname - strValue
targettype - strValue
tmodeltype - strValue
tmodelname - strValue
tversion - strValue
tclassname - strValue
tobjname - strValue '\n'
targettype is either "model" or "object" depending on whether you have reference to a model (model reference) or a reference to an object in a model (instance reference).
If targettype is "model" you can ignore the variables tclassname and tobjname since they always contain an empty string ("").
See Also ​
Examples ​
Versions and Changes ​
Available since ADOxx 1.3