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AfterCreateModelingConnector ​

This event is triggered by the graphical model editor after a new connector has been created.

Parameters ​

modelid - intValue, ID of the concerned model.
objid (idValue) - ue, ID of the new connector.
classidintValue, ID of the new connector's relation class.
fromobjidintValue, ID of the new connector's "from" object.
toobjidintValue, ID of the new connector's "to" object.
originintValue; 0 if the new connector has been modeled by user or 1 if the connector has been pasted (copy-paste or cut-paste).

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

See Also ​

Example ​


ON_EVENT "AfterCreateModelingNode" {
    CC "AdoScript" FWRITE
                " modelid:" + STR modelid + " objid:" + STR objid +
                " classid:" + STR classid + " origin:" + STR origin + "\n")

ON_EVENT "AfterCreateModelingConnector" {
    CC "AdoScript" FWRITE
        text:("AfterCreateModelingConnector" +
                " modelid:" + STR modelid + " objid:" + STR objid +
                " classid:" + STR classid + " fromobjid:" + STR fromobjid +
                " toobjid:" + STR toobjid + " origin:" + STR origin + "\n")