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The command GET_DATE_TIME returns the current date and time.

Syntax ​

CC "Application" GET_ONLINE_SINCE [date-format:strValue] [time-format:strValue]

#--> RESULT date:strValue 

Parameters ​

  • date-format (strValue, optional) - DD (01-31), DDD (Mon-Sun), MM (01-12), MMM (Jan-Dec), YY (00-99), YYYY (1900 - 2999)
  • time-format (strValue, optional) - HH (00-23), MM (00-59), SS (00-59)

Returns ​

  • date (strValue) -
  • time (strValue) -

Details ​

If the format string is not defined, then the Windows language style is used.

Do not use the Windows language style for logfiles. You will get different formats from different computers.

See Also ​

Examples ​

CC "Application" debug GET_DATE_TIME date-format:"DD.MM.YYYY" time-format:"HH:MM:SS"
CC "Application" debug GET_DATE_TIME date-format:"ddd, dd. mmm yyyy"

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3