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!!! Check if allowed to be public or not !!!
GET_VERSION returns information about the current version of the ADOxx or ADOxx-based application.

Syntax ​

CC "Application" GET_VERSION	

#--> RESULT version:strValue patch:strValue buildstr:strValue 
			verid:intValue verhigh:intValue verlow:intValue 
			ul:intValue hf:intValue build:intValue
			productname:strValue toolkit:strValue
CC "Application" GET_VERSION	

#--> RESULT version:strValue patch:strValue buildstr:strValue 
			verid:intValue verhigh:intValue verlow:intValue 
			ul:intValue hf:intValue build:intValue
			productname:strValue toolkit:strValue

Parameters ​


Returns ​

  • version (strValue) -
  • patch (strValue) -
  • buildstr (strValue) -
  • verid (intValue) -
  • verhigh (intValue) -
  • verlow (intValue) -
  • ul (intValue) -
  • hf (intValue) -
  • build (intValue) -
  • productname (strValue) - contains the name of the application (e.g. UML@ADOxx).
  • toolkit (strValue) - contains the toolkit name (e.g. "UML@ADOxx Modelling Toolkit").

Details ​

The most useful return variable is patch, which has the same format in any ADOxx-based toolkit version and allows to check for compatibility.

See Also ​

Examples ​

Get current version of the ADOxx-based Tool.

CC "Application" GET_VERSION
CC "Application" GET_VERSION

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3