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GET_APP_INFO returns information about the current ADOxx application.

Syntax ​

CC "Application" GET_APP_INFO	

#--> RESULT app:strValue ws: 0|1 .
CC "Application" GET_APP_INFO	

#--> RESULT app:strValue ws: 0|1 .

Parameters ​


Returns ​

  • app (strValue) - is either "bpmtk" for areena.exe or awssvr.exe or "admintk" for aadma.exe
  • ws (intValue, 0|1) - , is 1 when running in web service mode (awssvr.exe)

Details ​

See Also ​

Examples ​

Executing code only in web service mode.

CC "Application" GET_APP_INFO
IF (ws) {'
    # web service specific code
CC "Application" GET_APP_INFO
IF (ws) {'
    # web service specific code

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3