The command GET_ALL_OBJS_OF_CLASSID retrieves all instances (not relations!) of the given class ID in the given model!
Syntax ​
CC "Core" GET_ALL_OBJS_OF_CLASSID modelid:idValue classid:id
#-->RESULT ecode:intValue objids:list
Parameters ​
(idValue) - the parameter modelid specifies the model from which we want the instances.classid
(idValue) - the parameter classid specified the lookup class.
Returns ​
(intValue) - Contains the error code or is 0 in case of success.objids
(listValue) -
Details ​
See Also ​
Examples ​
# get current model
SEND "GET_ACTIVE_MODEL" to:"Modeling" answer:modelid
IF (LEN (modelid) = 0)
CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX ("Please open a model!")
SET clname:"Aktivität"
CC "Core" GET_CLASS_ID classname:(clname)
SET clid:(classid)
IF (ecode != 0)
CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX ("There is no class '" + (clname) + "'!")
# get all objs of class
CC "Core" GET_ALL_OBJS_OF_CLASSID modelid:(VAL modelid) classid:(clid)
IF (LEN (objids) = 0)
CC "AdoScript" ERRORBOX ("You have no instances of class '" + (clname) + "'!")
# get name of first object
CC "Core" GET_OBJ_NAME objid:(VAL token (objids, 0, " "))
CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("First 'Aktivität' found is called '" + (objname) + "'")
- get active model's id
- determine ID of class 'Aktivität'
- determine all instances of class 'Aktivität'
- check if any instance was found
- get name of first instance and show infobox
Versions and Changes ​
Available since ADOxx 1.3