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MoveModelRef ​

This event is triggered after a model (thread) has been moved out from one model group into another model group, i.e. the from endpoint of the according model reference changed.

Parameters ​

modelrefidintValue, ID of the model reference.
newmgroupidintValue, ID of the model group from which the model reference is outgoing now.

Exit value: ​

Remarks ​

See Also ​

Example ​

	ON_EVENT "MoveMGroup" {
	SETG id_MRefId: (modelrefid)  
	SETG id_NewMGroupId: (newmgroupid)
	CC "AdoScript" INFOBOX ("ModelRefId:   " + STR(id_MRefId)  + "  NewModelGroupId:  " + STR(id_NewMGroupId))