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GET_VIS_ATTR_ID returns the attribute ID of a visible attribute of a modeling object or connector.

Syntax ​

GetVisAttrID :	GET_VIS_ATTR_ID modelid:intValue objid:idValue index:intValue .

# --> RESULT attrid:intValue .
GetVisAttrID :	GET_VIS_ATTR_ID modelid:intValue objid:idValue index:intValue .

# --> RESULT attrid:intValue .

Parameters ​

  • objid (idValue) -
  • index (intValue) - the index is between 0 and (count - 1), where count has been returned by GET_VIS_ATTR_COUNT.

Returns ​

  • attrid (intValue) -

Details ​

See Also ​

Examples ​

IF (ecode = 0) {
  SEND "GET_ACTIVE_MODEL" to:"Modeling" answer:mid
  SET modelid:(VAL mid)
  FOR objid in:(objids) {
    CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_COUNT modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid)
    FOR index from:0 to:(count - 1) {
      CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_ID modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid) index:(index)
      CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_BOUNDS modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid) index:(index)
IF (ecode = 0) {
  SEND "GET_ACTIVE_MODEL" to:"Modeling" answer:mid
  SET modelid:(VAL mid)
  FOR objid in:(objids) {
    CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_COUNT modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid)
    FOR index from:0 to:(count - 1) {
      CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_ID modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid) index:(index)
      CC "Modeling" debug GET_VIS_ATTR_BOUNDS modelid:(modelid) objid:(VAL objid) index:(index)

Versions and Changes ​

Available since ADOxx 1.3