Requirement: Mechanisms and Algorithms

Model Content Import/Export


Synchronization of Model Content

Synchronization of Model Content between Modelling Environement and Core Platform should be possible.

Models are fundamentally created in a Modeling environment by a Modeler. The Modeler can interact with other actors such as an expert in order to correctly interpret what is the reality.

As described in use case depiced in following figure, when models are ready, a Maintainer can ask to the Modeling Environment to get the artifacts associated to the models in a well defined format. For example, business processes could be translated and exported from whatever format is used by the Modeling Environment to the BPMN2 standard, and similarly for the other artifacts.

This translation operation defines the interoperability layer of the modeling environment with the Core Platform, in the sense, that the integration of a new modeling environment is done via this interoperable translation of model artifacts.


The scope of implementation are;

  • Export BPMN Models as a Standard BPMN 2.0 Exchange Format
  • Export Model as Document XML
  • Export Model Image
  • Export Model Image Map
  • Export Model and Model Group Structure as a Table of Content
Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:

Modelling Environment should provide services allow exporting model content from modelling environement.

Non-Functional Requirements Specification:

Having it in mind, that Modelling Language consists of varying model types, export of model content should be possible regardless of model type

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