Requirement: Mechanisms and Algorithms

Track Changes


1. Track Changes: Models

The system shall visualize the differences between knowledge item versions. 
In order to better track changes to system managed artifacts it is good to show users what changed exactly. This will allow the user to better understand what is the history of the artifact and also what are the reason why certains changes have been applied.

2. BP-Model: Feedback on Quality

The system shall enable users to provide feedback about the quality of the model.

3. BP-Model and Contents Iterative Refinement

The system shall provide the means to interactively refine models and wiki pages and keep track of the revisions by the involved agents. The definition of models and wiki pages is an iterative process. Consequently it's a mandatory requirement for the system to provide the means to refine models, keep track of the modifications done, and somehow propagate such modifications to corresponding wiki pages.

4. Change Reasons Log

Decisions on changes e.g. changes from a reference model or pattern, shall be logged. Thus not only the actual changes can be traced but also the reasons behind a decision.
If collaboratively working on an artefact, e.g. a process model, it is important that decisions are transparent and reasonable. Assume, a conflicts results from a change. In case the reason behind the decision for change is known it can be checked whether another - not conflicting - option could meet the reason, too. cf. HINKELMANN, Knut, THÖNSSEN, Barbara, PROBST, Fabian. Referenzmodellierung für e-government-services. Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2005, 47. Jg., Nr. 5, S. 356-366.


The scope of the implementation targets in an initial version 3 aspects, to be extended in a further revision.

  • Track Change with Comments
  • Track Change of Moved Objects
  • Track Changes of Changed Name 

Extensions for an update and revision relate to the tracking of attribute changes and author/timestamped information.

Target System:
ADOxx 1.5

Functional Requirements Specification:

The modeling platform should consist of two views. View one is the 'modeling view', where the user can model as usual. In the second view the so called 'track change view' the modeler is additionally able to track the changes, which have been done onto the model. In the 'track change view' the modeler or the reviewer shall be able to accept or reject the changes. This activities can be done individually or for all changes simultaneously. 

Non-Functional Requirements Specification:


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