Requirement: Mechanisms and Algorithms



1. Expert Feedback and Knowledge Harvesting

An approach shall be defined for retrieving PA information.
The PA procedures shall be represented with BP models, but the procedures are normally in paper-like document formats. These documents have to be retrieved in a structured way, which implies knowing who can provide the documents, and how can the documents can be passed to the people who are in charge of modelling.

2. Expert Feedback and Knowledge Harvesting

The system should allow easy integration of knowledge from domain experts. 
As extremely valuable - the domain experts knowledge should be retrieved and applied in the LearnPAd system whenever possible. To do this domain experts should be allowed to use tools they are comfortable with and LearnPAd system should provide neccesary mechanisms to semi-formalise this knowledge to graphical models.

3. Expert Feedback and Knowledge Harvesting

As extremely valuable - the domain experts knowledge should be retrieved and applied in the LearnPAd system whenever possible.
To do this domain experts should be allowed to use tools they are comfortable with and LearnPAd system should provide neccesary mechanisms to semi-formalise this knowledge to graphical models.

4. Collaboration Mechanisms

The system shall include mechanisms for social cooperation. Letting users to contribute to community's contents in a social environment (chatting, tagging, quoting, liking, using smileys, adding text and multimedia and so on) makes the learning process nicer and emotionally more effective


The full scope of the implementation needs to be determined but could include

  • Track changes
  • Document references
  • Modelling of knowledge for Domain Experts
  • Mechanisms for social cooperation (chatting, tagging, quoting, liking, using smileys, adding text and multimedia and similar)
Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:

The platform should allow for the structured retrieval of documents pertaining to expert knowledge and a mechanism to pass these to the relevant expert for modelling. The LearnPAd platform should then allow an option for the graphical modelling of cumulative expert knowledge. There should be provision for social interaction in a more comfortable manner to relay and ammend this knowledge in an informal learning environment.  

Non-Functional Requirements Specification:


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