Requirement: Modeling Language

Integrating two Modeltypes


1. BP-Modelling Method: CMPM Extension

The BPMN 2.0 meta-models schould be extended to CMPM (Case Management Process Modelling) in order to support agile processes. 
The Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) specification expands the boundaries of what can be accomplished with BPMN by incorporating knowledge worker driven adaptive work. Now customers can address a much broader spectrum of processes using a combination of BPMN and CMMN, said Ralf Mueller, Architect at Oracle and co-chair of the CMMN Finalization Task Force. The Case Management Model and Notation (CMMN) is available at the OMG web-Site:

2. Business Process Model Integration with Business Rules and Motivation, Data and Roles

The system shall enable integrated modeling of roles (who), process (how), information items / documents (what), and business rules (how/why) and business motivations.
Most public administration processes use documents and business rules, and roles are important as well.In order to build comprehensive models the possibility should be provided to create models comprising elements of all relevant models, e.g. BPM elemtns + Business Motivation elements + learning goals etc. However, it should be possible to view such comprehensive models but also hiding elements e.g. based on user-models or user-selection and viewing simplified models.

3. BP-Modelling Method: BPMN and CMMN

It must be possible to model both structured processes (e.g. with BPMN) and nonstructured processes/cases (e.g. CMMN). 

4. BP and Content Integration

The system must permit to relate BP specifications with related contents and documents. 
This requirements is an high-level requirements which would like to stress the fact that it should be possible to access to contents and documents from the specification of the BP.

5. BP-Modelling Combining Structured and Unstructured Processes

The system shall support modeling both structured business process (e.g. in BPMN) and unstructured business process (e.g. in CMMN) and integrate them together. 


The scope of the solution contains a new defined modeltype BPCMN, which unifies classes of Business Processes and Case Management.


Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:


Non-Functional Requirements Specification:

The system shall provide an additional modeltype which contains elements from BPMN and CMMN, in order to to combine both modeltypes.

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