Requirement: Modeling Language

Bar Display View


For any given Task or sub-process object in the model, Bar Display View complements the modelling procedure by allowing an overview intermodel references that the object may have. These are presented as clickable links in-line with the object itself, but out of the way of the modelling area affording the user a quick means to follow these links without having to open the notebook.


The scope of the implementation is.

  • The Bar Display view can be toggled on and off using a menu item
  • Divide the drawing area into a bar structure with the modelling area in the center and a series of bars for a number of selected attributes of objects
  • Place the intermodel references and values of selected attributes of objects in their represpective bars in-line with the object to which they refer
  • The values themselves should be neatly in-line with the referred objects and be clickable so that the values can be followed to their destination
Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:

The modelling environment should allow an convenient overview of certain intermodel references and attributes of objects in the model. These should be displayed in a format whereby the modelling area is separated from the bars where the values of the attributes are displayed. It should be possible to change views and toggle the bar display on and off.

Non-Functional Requirements Specification:

The values displayed in the bars should be neatly in-line with the related object and should be clickable such that the link, in the case of an intermodel referrence, can be followed directly to the referrenced object or model. This is achieved through the use of adapted graphic representation attirbutes for objects and the values of the attriibutes referred to themselves.

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