Overall Aim of the PBL 3.0 Project: 

The overall aim of the project is to enhance Problem Based Learning (PBL) with Learning Analytics (LA) and Learning Semantics (LS) in order to produce a new educational paradigm and pilot it to produce relevant policy recommendations.

PBL 3.0 is going to work towards the following main objectives:

  • Constructing a new educational approach that combines a well-established learning strategy like PBL with novel technologies in learning like LA in PBL respecting legal and ethical considerations (PBL_LA) through: data gathering; data processing; data application
  • Designing a semantic model for PBL_LA, which will enable the annotation of learning resources.
  • Adapt a set of open-source software tools for supporting the PBL_LA and the semantic model.
  • Creating a number of relevant, semantically annotated educational material and perform trials at various sites in order to draw evidence-based conclusions.
  • Producing relevant policy recommendations for PBL_LA.
  • Creating an organic ecosystem of organizations, researchers, students, etc. with an interest in PBL_LA.    


The project will design solutions that propose innovative reconstruction of existing good practices in education and training. These solutions are also independent of application domains and that can be mainstreamed to all education and training systems.

The project will aim to address the assessment methodologies currently being employed in education and training, and establish new breakthroughs in the process. The PBL strategy allows for constant assessment and reflection in each step, and the incorporation of LA and LS will foster guided adaptability and personalization of the learning pathways based on the assessment analysis. The new proposed approach will also address the Priority's objective to underpin and measure skills development, since PBL is a participatory learning process and promotes transversal as well as domain-specific skills development.

Aim of the ADOxx.org Development Space: 

This ADOxx.org development space supports the development of a model-based method for the PBL_LA approach.

  • Evidence Centred Activity and Assessment Design (ECAAD): The model-based approach results from the EU project Next-Tell, the history in EU projects for technology enhanced learning using a model-based approach (ADVISOR, MATURE and Learn PAd) as well as the commercial experience in learning and knowledge management projects and enables to adapt a modelling environment for design-based support of continues learning assessment.
  • Semantic Annotated Learning Objects (SALO):The approach is focused on facilitating the description of the activity that takes place in a learning environment based on PBL approaches.

Project Website:



For more information on the PBL 3.0 project, contact:

Prof. Konstantinos Tarabanis

University of Macedonia (UOM)



For more information on the ADOxx.org Development Space PBL 3.0, contact:

Mateusz Dziedzic

BOC Asset Management


This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.