Requirement: Modeling Language

Modeling Method Design Environment


1. Meta Model Evolution

The system shall support evolution of the meta-models. A user may start using a specific modelling language, but based on the feedback from the requirements phase (1-phase) or during the trials/pilots (2-phase) - there has to exist a functionality to adapt the meta model (adding or removing functionality).

2. LearnPAd Meta Model: formalization

All meta-models, and hence models, should be formally described in an ontology in order to reason on models and changes, for example to detect modelling anomalies and inconsistency, to support identifying inconsistency in changes.
Besides the common view on ontologies as an explicit specification of a shared conceptualization (cf. Gruber et al. 1993, Studer et al. 1998) it allows for automatic resoning and hence, for modelling support and change analysis.


The scope of the modeling method design environment tool in an initial version consist of 8 modeltypes (see below), to be extended in a further revision.

  • Modeling Method Specification Overview

  • ML-Meta Model Stack

  • ML-Meta Model Class 

  • ML-Graphical Notations

  • MA-Component Diagram

  • Sequence Diagram

  • ML-Modeling Procedure

  • Example Model

Target System:
ADOxx 1.3UL1

Functional Requirements Specification:

The modeling method design environment shall provide modeltypes, classes, attributes, with those the developer should have the ability to model/design the LearnPAd modeling tool which has to be developed.

Non-Functional Requirements Specification:


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