Basic result settings of the result functions ​
For the following result functions the basic result settings (BasicResultSettings) listed below can be defined:
The result function (ResultName) is named by name.
The names of result functions must be unique within an agent.
The lock/hide parameters lock-name and hide-name control the naming of result functions.
Specifying the simulation algorithms for the result function, you define which algorithms are executed to calculate the respective result. You may of course enter several simulation algorithms.
When no algorithm is specified, the animation is by default executed during all the simulation algorithms.
path-analysis indicates the path analysis.
volume-analysis indicates the Capacity Analysis.
wlstatic-analysis indicates the Workload Analysis (static view).
wlnonstatic-analysis indicates the Workload Analysis (dynamic view).
Some results may only be calculated by certain simulation algorithms - independent of which algorithms are listed here.
A basic rule is that the result "Costs of execution" can only be calculated by the simulation algorithm "Capacity analysis". If you charge an agent to calculate the "Costs of execution", during Path Analysis, this result will not be calculated.
The hide parameter hide-algorithms controls the selection of the simulation algorithms.
There are no lock parameters for the simulation algorithms.
The expression resultscope specifies to which degree of detail the result will be calculated. The following types are available:
process | The agent calculates a result in total with regard to the complete dynamic model evaluated. ("Results for whole process" in the Modelling Toolkit). |
mainobjects | The agent calculates a result each with regard to all objects of the dynamic model examined. For each subprocess called an aggregated result is calculated ("Results for whole process (detailed)" in the Modelling Toolkit). |
allobjects | The agent calculates a result, each with regard to all objects of the dynamic model examined and with regard to all subprocesses ("Results for process hierarchy" in the Modelling Toolkit). |
The lock/hide parameters lock-resultscope and hide-resultscope control the selection of the degree of detail.
When the expression dont-show-result is specified the calculated result is not displayed after the simulation. This would be used for cases where the result is only an intermediate result which is further processed by the result function "Special formula".
By default (dont-show-result is not defined) it is possible after the simulation to view the result.
The lock/hide parameters lock-show-result and hide-show-result control the setting of dont-show-result.
When the expression history-mem is specified, the development of the results is temporarily stored in the main memory.
When the expression history-disk is specified, the development of results is stored on a data storage medium.
If neither of the two expressions are specified, the development of results is, by default, not stored.
By the expression history-file you can specify a file (FileName) including its path into which the development of results is to be saved by default. Usually, this expression is used in combination with history-disk.
Back slashes (\) inside the file name must be "masked" by '\'.
When the expression history-file is specified in combination with history-mem, usually this expression will be ignored. However, if the ADOxx user switches manually to saving the development of results on a data storage medium, the default file name (FileName) will be the one specified.
The development of the result currently defined shall by default be stored in the main memory during the simulation. If the ADOxx user decides later that the development of results should be stored on a disk, for example, this will by default be done in the file "C:\TEMP\AGENT. TXT". For this, the following expression has to be included into the definition of the current result: history-mem history-file: "C:\\TEMP\\AGENT.TXT"
The development of the result currently defined shall - by default - be stored during the simulation into the file "C:\TEMP\AGENT. TXT". For this, the following expression has to be included into the definition of the current result: history-disk history-file: "C:\\TEMP\\AGENT.TXT"
The lock /hide parameter lock-history-mem and hide-history-mem control the setting of history-mem.
The lock/hide parameter lock-history-disk and hide-history-disk control the setting of history-disk.
When the expression dont-show-history is specified, the saved development of results will not be shown after the simulation.
The lock/hide parameters lock-show-history and hide-show-history control dont-show-history.